The secret of our business success is a mixtures of facts and actions! The historic significance is a great advantage, the architectural connections and design is huge for those who appreciate Frank Lloyd Wright work of art.
Looking back at my career, I've been told by my superior when I was in the corporate world holding a job, that my strong skill is customer service. I kept that to my heart and thought that's good to know. Any entrepreneur will tell you that great customer service is one of the best investments you can make for your business.
I will just enlist a few dots about the success story of our business:
I organized the business structure to match the 21st century needs; I don't take pleasure in mentioning “I” too much - just in this case it all started with me. I was born with the personality I have today - improved; the knowledge of hospitality seems to be instilled in my blood and my culture. In conclusion, with my international travel experience, I understand hospitality more then people might guess.
Communication is a great tool; I think you have to touch on details before you know for sure that you will deliver to your customers your best service. Messages and confirmations of booking should be in writing for more then one reason. You have records to refer to and at the same time you can easily find information you might need for any reason.

Keep it simple. There is some science to work with spaces, to design a room and give it the right feeling. That could create comfort, make people to love the room and also create a nostalgic memory for years to come. I keep it simple in purpose, yet I always try to put a little personal touch on it, and always do even some minimal improvements.

Consistency is a very important trend for me. YES, we are here, in the same place and always open according to the schedule. We allow ourselves to vacation once in a while and we'll let you know about it! We try not to overstate what our establishment offer, we are not overly pretentious, but we like to leave a little “room” for you to be surprised and form your own opinion.

Do something "W"right this season: take the TRAIL: The Frank Lloyd Wright Trail.