Conducting business it shouldn't be so complicated. Everything nowadays is on the internet; communication is key to me. If I happen to not answer the phone after the 2nd ring, please be patient, leave me a message, for more immediate information check us on line. I might be engaged in another phone call or busy with someone at the desk. Of course we are here to help answer any questions for you and assist in anyway possible.

The question is: do I do to much for you some time?
The Answer is: I think so. Example: I know you have to arrive "today" in the mean time, as a reminder I like to connect you with that day to get details on you arrival.
I don't hear from you not by phone, chat or email; it's getting close to the cut off time, still nothing from you.
By 9 PM I make another attempt to reach out, I like to have everyone accounted for. by that time
Even if you might email me with an excuse after I contact you, that doesn't make it an official cancellation per say.
Then my questions to you are:
1. DO ANY OF YOU OUT THERE EVER READ OUR POLICY? Also included in our confirmation email, web page, mobile devices accessible, etc.
Because when you don't show up and I inquiry payment from you, you find it unjust.
Because when you call in to request your cancellation I'm emphasizing your request should be in writing and, that's exactly what I need you to do to make it official. Answering the phone and acknowledging your request it doesn't make it a cancellation; I could be away from my office,still answering my calls - so please follow those few steps we ask of you.
So, please help me, help you. Your experience should be for you to enjoy your trip.
Travel well. Stay well.